Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Please Pray

Please pray for me for this time between now and through this weekend. At this hour, I have a complicated project that is due by 5:30pm tomorrow of which I will probably have difficulty finishing. Inside this hour, I've just found out that my aunt, who has been very ill and recently living in a nursing home somehow fell and hit her head and now she is virtually unconscious and expected to die within days if not hours. I had hoped to see her this weekend to spend time with her one last time but I will probably be spending the time cleaning up her apartment and grieving.

Please pray that I would have the strength to get through the next 24 hours as well as to deal with her impending death and to be able to cope through this time of brokenness. God has really been moving in me, leading me through a period of brokenness over the past two weeks and two months and I need him more than ever. Please pray.

In the past month, I have felt God's calling to possibly switch churches and I am meeting with a pastor on Friday at 11:30am. Please pray for this meeting as this is going to be emotionally difficult and a test of whether God's providence is really with me in following up on this leading to help invest and grow this ministry. I love Vineyard and I know if things don't work out, I'll be back at JH in no time but I feel like God's calling me to take a risk and I'm acting on it. Please pray for wisdom and for God to increase discernment in my life, especially over these issues.

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