I don't have much time to type and I'll expound on this later but today we watched the documentary IOUSA in class and wow. It isn't as if I didn't know our deficit was big but I guess it's bigger than I ever thought. Maybe I should move to China in about, um, now.... and I can catch the wave. Anyway, I started thinking about this as the generation me affect. Yes, there's a book with the same title and this is unrelated.
We (everyone younger than 35) learned very well from the baby boomers how we should live our lives. With the thrust to get rid of conservatism and usher in the sexual revolution, generation me (baby boomers) taught us how to live. After the right to pursue sex, drug use, divorces, and debt, things are going better right? Now, their spawn is a generation that believes experimenting with same sex is something cool to do in high school (though probably in middle school or younger). These children are more empowered and yet empty, depressed (the real message of the book Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled--and More Miserable Than Ever Before ).
This country is on a collision course with destruction. We've lost our way on almost every front and yet, for some reason, people are oblivious. It's time to wake up America, its time we realize that we are the last, best hope for democracy and freedom. Our challenges over the next 8 years are:
1) re-establishing freedom,
2) cutting the debt and entitlements (federal and personal), and
3) addressing global warming.
If we can do these three, we can be okay but at this rate, we'll be toast if we don't see change soon and to make change, we need to start one foot at a time. I am under no dilution, I know that politics is not the answer (Jesus is) but ultimately it is the dimension we need results in if we're going to see change, real change toward a conservative and responsible government. We've got to make it popular to save, popular to help each other, popular to embrace values that have guided our nation. We've got to try to stop this train wreck (no values, no cash, no capacity to fight, no industry to build, no leadership, no country to defend)! At some point, it's just going to be what I want and nothing more. Bankers, terrorist, and the Chinese will not be giving you an Xbox360 and ask you to stay out of the way. No, if they could, they'd repo your box, put a bullet in your head, and/or give you a shovel and get your ass to work — respectively.
I wish and I hope Obama could be that man, who helps lead us out of this, but so far we're seeing more of the same and this time it especially hurts because some of us really thought that he'd bring the change he promised. Seeing stimulus bills that are full of pork and democratic wish-list items (usually one in the same) at a time like this is, well, very very disappointing. This is what I'd expect from the Bush administration and this is what we hoped would not come from the Obama administration. All I can say is that I was going to vote for him but on the day that matters, I chose not to vote for the populist, verging on fascistic candidate. Perhaps my words are harsh but when a man can do no wrong in the eyes of so many and the media, it makes me nervous and it should make you nervous as well.
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