Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finishing up in Style (3 days until the ceremony!)

I'm done. It would be a sweeter feeling if I didn't feel so hung-over from the marathon session of final projects and commitments for the quarter — including an all-nighter and not eating food for almost 30 hours.

Things with one of my studio courses got so far out of whack that I barely had enough time to prepare for a final exam and didn't have enough time to complete my group project (second studio) in another class. Due at midnight Tuesday, it was delivered in full by 3pm Wednesday. Luckily, I have profs who can be okay with things like that. This is all done now... sure in a few weeks I'll be revisiting that project and trying to turn it into something I can be proud of but for now I'm done.

And the Lord was with me. I so wanted to quit and I so wanted to give up this whole week. There were times when I thought I was headed toward disaster, times when I was accused of doing bad things, times when I thought I might lose my "manlihood" — or at least this is what it all felt like. In the end, the Lord was protecting and making sure that I would get done. He made my group project, which relied upon the highly buggy and unstable CommunityViz plug-in for ArcGIS, finally start working okay after days of work and losing progress, etc.

Today, I clean -- laundry is in the wash, stuff is getting cleaned up, I shaved, I showered (first time in 48+ hrs). I'm getting a haircut later today -- like the man who comes out of the wilderness, I'm getting a haircut (needed since I haven't had one in like 5 or 6 weeks) and trying to get back some sense of normalcy in my life, or at least appearance.

Well, thank you all who were praying for me and I hope to see some of you tonight at small-group. Bests to all and I hope this will be a great summer of growing closer to God, experiencing new freedom in multiple realms, and hopefully this will include employment as well...

God Bless and have a great day,

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